Who We Serve

People with limited resources who need some product to work, learn, or live a better life

Allied nonprofits and NGOs who need affordable, accessible products for their missions
How We Serve
Each of our projects are designed to work together to find, collect, and catalog products that can profoundly change the lives of billions of people. And if a product is needed that doesn't exist or is too expensive or otherwise unaccessable, we help make it a reality through our pro bono mentors, education providers, hands-on learning events, and microfunding.
A dynamic digital catalog, a collection of products, machines, tools, plans, and methods. It's updated by the people, communities, and organizations offering appropriate products.

The Give Bank™
Designers, makers, scientists, and other professionals pledge pro bono hours to work on product design and development as well as mentor those who want to learn.
Providing design principles and resources to entrepreneurial product designers. We seek to collaborate with design-centric teaching organizations, universities, and labs around the world.

DesignJams, meetups, maker spaces provide increasingly-critical in-person, human interaction. We support monthly and quarterly events and look to partner with maker spaces and fab labs.

A blind pool or community fund that can apply small funds throughout the product development process. Our partners here are microbanks and micro finance organizations promoting Cat490.
A Bit About Us

Uplift490™ is a California public benefit corporation committed to improving the lives of low-income, high-need people worldwide with products of all kinds. Through product development, design education, and pro bono design services, we aim to empower people, uplift communities, and create positive change.
Our IRS 501c3 status has been granted. Your donations are fully tax-deductible.
See some of our allies and partners below.

Programa Velasco
El Salvador

The Bhamla Lab
Georgia Tech, Atlanta

Whole Earth Engineering
New Mexico, US and Peru

Your organization Name Here
Let us know who you are and how we can help each other!
How You Can Help Us

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